Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I realize it has been a bit cat-tastic on the blog lately. I promise I do more than follow Mogget around all day and take her picture. In addition to a number of work obligations, it's been a bumpin' few weeks at chez refeathered!

1. Checking out a new release by Tigernite at the Exclusive Company.
2 & 3. After a few busy days at the WMEA State Conference I ran a marathon...wearing a felt triceratops mask. It was the Haunted Hustle after all! And, yes, 1234 was my actual race bib number.
4. Post marathon cookie baking. 
5 & 6. Scenes from Mondo Lucha.  Guys, this was the best combination of ludicrous and fabulous. It had everything a girl could want. A saucy goat, glitter, rock 'n' roll, and a lucha libre style wrestling team that consisted of a robot and a one legged man called Uno. Seriously.
7. My sister and cohorts rocked it at Mondo Lucha!
8. A long over due trip to Beauty.
9. Taming mutant plants. More on that later.

What have you been up to lately?

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